IAR-IPR at IEEE-ICRA 2024 in Yokohama

From May 13 to May 17, 2024, Jonas Kiemel and Xi Huang took part in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) in Yokohama, Japan.

ICRA 24_1

Xi Huang presented his research results on “Planning with Learned Subgoals Selected by Temporal Information” in a talk and with a poster in the session "Collision Avoidance II" (Authors: X. Huang, G. Sóti, C.  Ledermann, B. Hein, T. Kröger).


He also co-authored the paper “6-DOF Grasp Pose Evaluation and Optimization Via Transfer Learning from NeRFs” (Authors: G. Sóti, X. Huang, C. Wurll, B. Hein), which was presented by his colleague Gergely Sóti in the session “Transfer Learning”.

Jonas Kiemel presented his paper "Jerk-Limited Traversal of One-Dimensional Paths and Its Application to Multi-Dimensional Path Tracking” by giving a talk during the session “Kinematics" (Authors: J. Kiemel, T. Kröger).