Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

Smart Walker - RoboTrainer tested in a user-study

The project "Learning robotic-assistance Systems for neuro-muscular Training" (RoSylerNT) investigates the force-based interaction between humans and robotic systems. The task of IAR-IPR was to develop a novel robotic system for whole-body strength- and motor-training. As a result, a Rollator-like mobile robot was developed which is able to adjust its behavior by registering its environment and user via sensor data. Special about RoboTrainer is, that it can provide physical walking support for elderly persons but also a challenging training for young, healthy individuals.


From October 12th to 16th, 2020, several inexperienced adults interacted with RoboTrainer in the project's final study at German Sport University Cologne (DSHS). During the two-hour interaction with RoboTrainer, interaction forces, cognitive (EEG) and muscle (EMG) activities were measured, as well as user's movements.
Special focus was set on novel control concepts developed for RoboTrainer. RoboTrainer allows to influence its users with specific forces to which they must respond appropriately.Together with the colleagues from DSHS, Denis Stogl and Prof. Björn Hein hope to get better insights into the use of robots for neuro-muscular training.


More pictures and details about the project and the evaluation can be found under the following links (in German):

Spoho.Blog - Blog of DSHS -
Press release of DSHS -
Result profile RoSylerNT -