Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

Visiting scientists from Prague

From 11th to 21st of July, IAR-IPR was visited by Matej Petrlik from Prague university for a research exchange.
Matej is a member of Multi Robot System group of Czech Technical University in Prague. The topic of his master’s thesis is the design of fast motion planning methods for real time planning of UAVs in environments with obstacles.




His visit was part of a DAAD mobility project (Motion Planning for Multi UAV Surveillance) between KIT and CTU. He was working on the design and implementation of motion planning methods. An integral part of this task is collision avoidance for which we use Intel Realsense sensor and Sweep Lidar. During his stay, he worked on processing the datasets acquired from the sensors mounted on a UAV for the purpose of obstacle detection.
During his enjoyable stay he also collaborated with Vojtech Vonasek, a colleague from CTU who is also currently researching at IAR-IPR under the same DAAD mobility project.