Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

Project RoboShield: Second OpenLabDay successfully held

On 14 November 2019, the second collective OpenLabDay of the projects RoboShield and CyberProtect was held at "Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)", Karlsruhe. The event focused on safety, security and privacy in production and automation.

Attendants were introduced to the topics of safety, security and privacy by a series of interesting talks, e.g. by Arne Rönnau (FZI) about "Chances and risks of using AI in production" and by Tobias Müller ("Kompetenzzentrum IT-Sicherheit") about current threats to IT-security and the project Cyberwehr to counteract these threats.

Following the series of talks, the attendants had the opportunity to examine several demonstrators and testbeds focusing on safety, security and privacy. The IPR provided a stationary MRK-demonstrator for this cause to highlight newly developed, innovative safety measures using off-the-shelf, certified safety equipment.



Tom Huck (IAR-IPR) presenting innovative safety measures using a MRK-demonstrator.