Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab


  • contact:

  • project group:


  • funding:

    BMBF (Förderkennzeichen 01IS09036B)

  • startdate:

    October 2009

CADaVISIONThe aim of the project CADaVISION is to use the power of state of the art image synthesis computer graphics systems to improve and shorten project planning and implementation time of image processing systems. Together with an industry project partner and funded by the BMBF program "KMU-innovativ" the project started in October 2009.

The image acquisition process is simulated based on the CAD data of the workpieces. One of the main goals of the project is the efficient creation of photorealistic images of the workpieces taking account of illumination and camera models as well as surface properties and finishing marks. The results of the comparison between processing the synthesised images and images of the real workpiece are stored in an knowledge database. This information is used to optimize the process of image synthesis. In 2009 a prototype software was implemented to demonstrate the targeted workflow and a test setup was designed to compare simulated and real-world image aquisition.