Crowded Lab at the Open House During the European Robotics Week
On 2017-11-22 our institute opened its doors to a robot-enthusiastic audience. A wide range of visitor – ranging from small children over students to pensioners – followed the live-demonstrations of robotics with curiosity and fascination, a lot of the demonstrations could even be experienced hands-on.
In the medical lab Luzie Schreiter and Christian Marzi presented research from different projects.
In the robot hall, demonstrations of various projects in the fields of industrial and service robotics where displayed.
A team of the SWR was interviewing Professor Kröger. The video was broadcasted in the TV-show “Landesschau Baden-Württemberg” on 2017-11-22.
The same day a delegation of various South Korean research institutions was invited. To strengthen international research our current topics where presented and discussed.
In the end of the event Professor Kröger gave a lecture on modern robotics in front of an interested audience.