IPR-internal conference 2017 in St. Petersburg

The IPR-internal conference 2017 took place at the Polytechnical Institute "Peter the Great" in St. Petersburg, supervised by the new Institute's head, Prof. Torsten Kröger. In cooperation with the local Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, employees presented their current research focus.
On the first dy upon arrival, several presentations and discussions were held by the exchange's organizers, contact persons for possible further cooperations, the president of SPPU (left on the picture above) and Prof. Kröger and Prof. Hein (mid and right on the picture above). Prof. Kröger used this occasion to present both his former work at Google and parts of his future research vision at IPR.
Picture above: IPR employees attending the welcome meeting on the day of arrival
Picture below: After the work was done little time was left for Sightseeing (here: center close to Eremitage)
The conference was supported by the DAAD and the IPR would like to thank all responsible organizers including IPR employee Ilshat Mamaev for the interesting exchange and opportunity.