5. Robotics alumni meeting at FZI
On July 9, the 5th Robotics Alumni Meeting took place at the Research Center for Computer Science (FZI). 32 alumni from various robotic research groups of Informatics Karlsruhe met for an exchange on scientific topics. Within this framework, members of the Robotics Alumni Club of Informatics Karlsruhe eV gathered for this year's Annual General Meeting.
The chairman of the alumni club, Prof. Dillmann, opened the General Assembly of the Robotics Alumni Club with a welcome.
In the scientific colloquium, Alumnis - Prof. T. Asfour, Dr. J. Schloen and Dr. A. Bihlmaier (f.l.t.r.) presented their current work scopes and / or their companies.
Attentive alumni listened to these interesting lectures
During the break between the lectures the participants exchanged during a lunchtime snack.
Subsequently, Prof. Zöllner and Dr. Rönnau presented the current research work of the sections of Technical Cognitive Assistance Systems (TKS) and Interactive Diagnostic and Services Systems (IDS) of the FZI.
The interesting day was closed with a cold beer in the nearby beer garden. (Unfortunately no photo).