Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

BOGY-Internship 2015 at IAR-IPR

From November 9th-13th Stephan Irgenfried supervised 5 pupils from German and international secondary schools during a 1-week internship as part of the “Informatik-BOGY” program of the KIT Department of Informatics.


The pupils successfully solved the task of grasping objects using an industrial robot and a two finger gripper. The learned how to find objects on a table using a camera and computer vision algorithms, plan and execute the grasping of the object and stack the objects at a given place on the table.


On the last day of the internship week, the pupils presented their work to members of the institute and successfully demonstrated the performance of their software during a live demonstration in the IPR robot lab.