Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

IPR at the Young Researchers Festival (Fest der Jungen Forscher)

Last Saturday (06.23.2012) the IPR was represented indirectly at the Young Researchers Festival . The IPR supervised a group of students from the Otto-Hahn Gymnasium with the design of an arena for swarm robotics.

Hyperlink to the event:

Abstract: Schülerprojekte (Kurzbeschreibung)

Project 21: Man-Machine Interaction
Research will be conducted based on experiments in the field of swarm robotics and brain research. The focus lies on communication between man and machine, interaction of brain and mind, and autonomy and automation. These topics will be investigated separately and the result will be merged on an interdisciplinary basis. One concrete goal is the installation of a swarm robotic arena in the school.



School: Otto-Hahn Gymnasium
Partner: KIT, Campus South – Institute for Process Control and Robotics, Tangro GmbH