Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab

Staff retreat 2012

Prof. Wörn and the staff of the IPR went to their annual staff retreat from 15th – 20th of March. This year’s location was Malta. The doctoral candidates had the possibility to present their research work in a speech with a subsequent discussion and talk about it with the group. In one-in-one interviews with the head of the institute the topics were deepened and their individual plan on their way to graduation was discussed.
The sunny weather and the diversified social program including climbing, bicycle tours, a sightseeing tour and a trip to the neighbouring island Gozo, allowed for a relaxed atmosphere.



Arrival of the group at the airport Malta



Group dinner on the first evening



Julien Mintenbeck presents his project Endosnake



Mirko Kunze held his talk in front of an interested audience



Beaming faces at the trip to the neighbouring island Gozo…



…facing the best view



The group shortly before departure