Robotics Challenge - Call for Participation: Startups and Student Teams
Basic Information
When: June 16/17
Where: Karlsruhe, Germany (KIT Campus)
Who: Student Teams and Startups from All Regions Worldwide
What: Robots, Innovation, Technology, and Fun
Application Deadline: April 29, 2018
EURO 25,000 for the a collaborative startup project
EURO 3,000 as the winner of the Robotics Student Hackathon
Sponsored by ZEISS
Focus Areas
- Human-robot collaboration
- Model-based temperature compensation for increasing the accuracy of robotic systems
- Inline process control (cognitive software modules for the control of robotic based processing operation with a focus on inline process quality data)
- Precision path control
Optical tracking of robot movements - Model based path correction (for precision application)
- Metrology analytics using robots
- Precisions machine parts and handling via robots
- Sensor tracking
- Digital quality solutions in additive manufacturing
- Metrology analytics using machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Process control and process quality software solutions
- Tracking and referencing
- Smart instruments as control module
- Real-time control with sensor feedback
- Reinforcement learning
- Microsurgery
- Ophtalmology
- Surgery processes
About the Robotics Innovation Competition
Be one of the selected high-tech teams that will make their ideas, startup, or technology a great success. Do you like working in interdisciplinary teams for a whole weekend to solve challenges in the area of robotics, computer vision, control engineering, and reinforcement learning? Go and apply for Robotics Innovation Competition at KIT. We are looking for students, scientists, and startups, and we will provide a suitable framework to support your contributions.
Scientists and Students Track Hackathon
We will provide a working environment as well as the required hard- and software to enable you to work on robotics topics during the hackathon. Furthermore we will give you advice, guidance and support to evolve your technical approach for an innovation which could be the basis for new business. Ten selected teams comprising 3-5 students will be invited for a two-day Hackathon session.
Startup Track (also open for students/scientists teams)
Your contribution and project has a technical focus on robotics, computer vision, control engineering or reinforcement learning for industrial applications. To sign up, please use the link in the right column. You will be asked for
- A one-page presentation with a clear value proposition, problem statement and your area of expertise in customer understanding; also include the competencies, diversity and open competency needs of your team
- A business idea or business plan for your project (max. 4 pages)
- A video (3-5 minutes) with your technical solution showing yor scientific methods/solution approach, novelty and impact
- A short explanation on how we can develop joint and new businesses in a short-term or mid-term collaboration (1-pager). Please also provide a statement, what you need from ZEISS and/or KIT to succeed within the next 24 months.
Startups or founding teams (e.g., student and scientist teams) with a focus in robotics, computer vision, control engineering and reinforcement learning as when as innovations for digital quality solutions for additive manufacturing are invited.
June 16
9am-6pm Student hackathon in Karlsruhe
6pm-9pm Startup pitches and startup winner presentation
from 9pm Evening event and networking party
June 17
9am-6pm Student hackathon and hackathon winner presentation
The winners will be invited to present their concept to the public on June 27, 2018.
Torsten Kroeger, KIT
Orestis Terzidis, KIT
Danny Krautz, ZEISS
E-mail: challenge2018 ∂does-not-exist.lists kit edu