Tom Huck on Research Visit to Gothenburg

IIPR staff member and PhD student Tom Huck visited Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, as part of the currently ongoing research project SDM4FZI.

There he worked together with Constantin Cronrath and Prof. Bengt Lennartsson on methods for simulation-based safety testing of collaborative robot systems.

The jointly developed research results will be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) in August 2022.

Furthermore, Tom Huck visited various companies and research institutions working in the field of collaborative robotics. At the Fraunhofer-Chalmers Research Center, he learned about new developments in the field of digital human modeling. At a factory visit to Volvo Trucks he inspected examples of collaborative robotic use cases in industrial practice. With the factory staff, he discussed the challenges of bringing HRC into real-world industrial use. Furthermore, facilities of the robot manufacturer ABB were visited and current work in the SDM4FZI project was discussed, since there is close cooperation between ABB and IPR within the project.