Annual colloquium 2011

The annual colloquium of the IPR took place December 20, 2011.
Prof. Wörn reported on occurrences in teaching and research in the year 2011.
He reported on the 18 current projects at the IPR and the 6 projects that had been finished in 2011, he reported on fairs, exhibitions and international conferences that had been visited and on achieved awards and prices.
He informed his staff also about projects approved in 2011 and the 14 proposed projects.
The current financial situation of the IPR was shown: 90% of all research work is financed by external funds, thereof more than 70% by EU and DFG.
Proposals for improvement concerning teaching were discussed, especially the recruitment of students for Bachelor-, Master-, Study- and Diploma Theses and also for Seminars and Proseminars.
Further occurrences of 2011 were the IPR-meeting in Innsbruck, 6 conferrals of a doctorate of IPR staff members, lectures and the organization of the CSIT conference in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Numerous of groups visited the IPR, from student groups, groups of new KIT-employees up to well-known professors and researchers from different countries.









