Studierende aus Kolumbien zu Gast am IPR

In March 2011, Oscar Mauricio Hernandez Gomez and 15 students of the study course electronic-engineering from the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia in Sogamoso made a DAAD-study trip to Germany.
The students visited the KIT together with a DAAD-member on March 10-11. The group also visited the IPT. A couple of staff members presented their projects and work in the laboratories and answered the student’s questions.
In the robotic hall...
...they were introduced to safe human-robot interaction. For this the IPR has developed techniques which allow the recognition of humans. Additionally it was shown how, for example, the arm position of the robot and viewing direction of the human contribute to the safety of humans.
The running research in the field of industrial multi fingered grippers was presented by Thomas Haase using the Schunk Dextrous Hand 2.0 (SDH-2).
The requirements, scientific challenges but also the prospects of intelligent, reactive gripping were explained for the students.
In the MeGI-laboratory...
...the demonstrator of the EU-project Safros was ready for demonstrated and then made available for testing. The students were able to interact in two different ways.
They controlled the robot by haptic input unit or by hand via touching and experimented with the surveillance via 3D cameras. All of these possibilities were used after a short introduction into the medical and technical backgrounds.
In the swarm robot laboratory...
...Wanda miniature robots, developed at the IPR, were presented. With the help of different scenarios basic aspects of swarm robotics were demonstrated. The students had the possibility to influence the experiments on their own.